POCSTARS Offers Global PTT Cloud Services
Author : Radio China    Time : 2020-05-22

While the public network carriers are deploying large-scale 4G networks across the world,  4G-based push-to-talk-over-cellular (PoC) trunking communication solutions are being swiftly adopted by industrial users. Major manufacturers have launched 4G PoC products and solutions, which greatly expand and supplement the traditional Professional Mobile Radio (PMR) and private network communications, to empower users with capacities of supervision, command, dispatch and collaboration.



As a world's leading PoC solution provider, POCSTARS promotes public and private convergence communication solution tailored for clients to ensure their timely and unobstructed communication experience. Its PoC solutions are very adaptive to customers’ requirement and support flexible and diverse deployment methods. The solutions are applicable to major industries such as public safety, security, logistics, transportation, healthcare and enterprise. Tapping into the carriers’ network, POCSTARS offers full coverage, high-quality communication solutions for users who need to perform tasks over long distance.  


POCSTARS has deployed a global cloud service to enable operators or users to access the server fast and efficiently. With the PTT Cloud Service, users may focus on their core business and invest minimum energy in setting up their system.


24/7 Global Connectivity

POCSTARS has deployed and tested cloud servers, which underlie the Global PTT Cloud Service, in many countries. Using the non-proprietary container environment features, it realizes public cloud Container Services network inter-working and unified management, and applications and data can be seamlessly. Multiple clouds are unified for flexible use of resources and business disaster tolerance. The failed node rapidly migrates to the nearest node with the fastest access speed to ensure a smoother network.


Cost-effective and Simple Deployment

POCSTARS eliminates users’ worries about the infrastructure investment, delivery time, network lease, technical support, installation, deployment, version update and troubleshooting. While enjoying fast and reliable service, they greatly reduce the operating cost.


Flexible Customization

POCSTARS enables you to create your own cloud service. POCSTARS Global PTT Could Service empowers users to achieve more by enlarging coverage and offering more data features. The solution has been globally adopted by industry users and recognized as a major PoC platform provider by many carriers.

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