New Mauritius Metro Express Keeps on Track with Sepura TETRA Radios
Author : Radio China    Time : 2020-05-21

The initial 13 km section of the island’s new line between Port Luis and Rose Hill is already operational, with the second phase to Curepipe on course to be completed in 2021. In its early stages the service is expected to move 25,000 people a day, with this number increasing to between 55,000 and 60,000 when the line is completed.


Consort Digital worked with Sepura and infrastructure supplier DAMM to provide a complete communications solutions for the whole network, covering everyday tasks such as maintenance, cleaning and staff resources, whilst also benefiting from TETRA’s ability to enable emergency calls as a priority when the need arises.

The fleet vehicles are equipped with Sepura SRG3900 TETRA mobile radios, enabling both voice and data communications back to the control centre. Each vehicle contains an onboard Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) solution which communicates the vehicle location through the radio, enabling remote signaling and train control.


Cleaning staff, maintenance teams and train operators communicate through Sepura’s STP9000 hand-portable radios, whilst staff in the control room use desk-mounted SRG3900s to communicate with teams and manage resources where needed. The STP9000 provides users with clear audio and a flexible range of accessories, ensuring that all voice communications are clearly heard by the user. This is especially important if working in noisy environments, such as maintenance sheds or busy stations.


The STP9000 has the advantage that it can also provide protection for lone workers, with automated Man Down alarms, GPS tracking ad one touch emergency calling to protect workers where required.

The Operational Control Centre is the heart of the Metro's communication operations. From here fleet monitoring and job dispatch tasks can be undertaken. This is also where the TETRA network is integrated into other security and operational systems.

“The Metro operators required robust radios that could withstand harsh treatment around maintenance machinery and would be heavily used by station operators and cleaning teams. We had no hesitation in proposing a Sepura solution for this purpose and as expected they are providing outstanding support to the Metro operators.” DEVDARSH JAIN, CHIEF OPERATIONS OFFICER OF CONSORT DIGITAL

Koh Cheng Soi, Business Development Manager for Asia confirmed his pride at seeing the radios deployed in the new vehicles: “Sepura radios are regarded worldwide as market leading products for critical communications users. The Mauritius Metro adds to our growing portfolio of major transport operators deploying Sepura radios to ensure that the staffs are safe and their operations well managed. We look forward to continuing to work with the operators to ensure their radios are used on the network for many years to come.”

There are future expansion plans in place for the Metro line, although there is not currently a set date to start construction on these. The nature of the TETRA network is such that it can easily be scaled up to increase the numbers of radio users. This will be vital to keep managing staff safety whilst increasing efficiency of operations.

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