Nokia to Deploy Private Network for Jamaican Port
Author : MCXTEND    Time : 2023-10-24    Source :

Jamaica’s Kingston Freeport Terminal Limited (KFTL) has selected Nokia to deploy the first private wireless network at its container terminal. The network was installed and will be deployed by Nokia Channel Partner EGC International.

KFTL is a transhipment port serving Central America and the Caribbean. It also serves major markets on the North and South America east coasts and facilitates post-Panama vessels transiting the Panama Canal.

What is described as KFTL’s digital transformation journey has included the adoption of new technologies such as the Nokia DAC (Digital Automation Cloud), and MXIE, a high performance, end-to-end wireless private network and industrial digitalisation platform.

Both technologies will be deployed at KFTL to deliver industrial-grade connectivity and edge computing capabilities. Nokia's solution will enable KFTL to meet the growing demands of modern logistics, improve safety measures and strengthen overall productivity with top-notch wireless connectivity at docks and port yards.

Use cases include critical communications support for the terminal operation system (TOS) and other operational systems and applications, connectivity for more than 100 VMTs (vehicle mounted terminals), cranes and trucks, as well as the deployment of more than 100 tablets and 260 devices (push-to-talk over LTE) for staff. Soon, up to 1,300 devices will be connected and remote operations and real-time monitoring of terminal equipment will be enabled.

It's not clear whether this is an LTE-only operation or whether it also involves 5G.

Ports are one of a number of attractive use cases for private wireless networks, not least because of their size and a need for improved efficiency and reduced operating costs that private networks can help to fulfil.

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