NSW Telco Authority Attended The World’s Largest Digital and Radio Scout Event
Author : MCXTEND    Time : 2023-10-25    Source : www.mcxtend.com

NSW Telco Authority attended the world’s largest digital and radio Scout event over the weekend , JOTA-JOTI (Jamboree On The Air / Internet) to help young people learn about communications technology.

Explained to the Scouts how NSW Telco Authority work to protect critical infrastructure and operate the Public Safety Network (PSN), and shared how their work keeps first responders connected and keep communities safe during emergencies.

The Network Operations and Emergency Management Team (NOEM) showcased the PSN anywhere and Office in a Box fly away kits, Mobile Radio Assets, Cell on Wheels and vehicle technology, explaining how NSW Telco Authority establish communications and deploy equipment and crews to sites in emergencies and when required.

During the interactive demonstrations, discussion with subject of how to provide reliable communications to emergency services, the importance of safety while working, and the transmission of satellite, optic fibre, radios and switching technology were nicely carried out .

The annual education event brings together more than two million Scouts from over 173 countries.

It was a pleasure to connect with a group of next gen leaders and NSW Telco Authority hopes to have inspired some of them into a career that helps to keep people and places connected and safe.

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