Critical Communications World 2025: A Strategic Event for Belgium and Western Europe
Author : MCXTEND    Time : 2024-05-21    Source :

Belgium is set to take center stage as the host of Critical Communications World (CCW) 2025, a pivotal event for the region. This significant occasion will be overseen by Astrid, Belgium’s dedicated public safety communications network operator. Daniël Haché, Astrid’s Director of External Relations, highlights why this event is crucial for both Belgium and Western Europe.

Overview of ASTRID Network

ASTRID operates Belgium's nationwide public safety communications network, established in 1998. The infrastructure includes a secure digital radio network that ensures reliable communication for emergency and security services across the entire country. ASTRID serves a variety of users, including police forces, fire departments, ambulance services, civil protection agencies, and other emergency responders, promoting the smooth operation and safety of these services to protect the population.

ASTRID provides four core services: radio communications, paging, call-taking and dispatching solutions for emergency rooms, and Blue Light Mobile—a mobile voice and data service.

Future Plans for the Network

In the coming years, ASTRID will develop and deploy a 4G/5G network to replace the existing TETRA-based radiocommunication network. This new network will facilitate the fast, secure, and reliable transmission of large data quantities, enabling more effective interventions by emergency and security services through enhanced situational awareness with the sharing of images, videos, and other data sources.

ASTRID's new broadband network will employ a hybrid solution, utilizing commercial telecom operators' infrastructure while maintaining government control over the network core. This approach ensures the security, reliability, and confidentiality of all communications for emergency and security services in Belgium. ASTRID plans to begin migrating the first users to the new network in 2027.

Importance of CCW 2025 in Brussels

Hosting CCW 2025 in Brussels is significant for both Belgium and the European Union. As the capital of Belgium and a major hub for European institutions and international organizations, Brussels offers a central location that facilitates regional stakeholder participation.

CCW 2025 in Brussels will allow Belgium to showcase its advancements in critical communications technology, fostering collaboration among industry experts from the European Union and beyond. The event provides a platform for knowledge exchange, networking opportunities, and the presentation of innovative solutions tailored to the region's needs.

Additionally, the event will promote BroadEUNet, a European Commission initiative aimed at creating a Europe-wide communications network for emergency and security services by 2030. ASTRID will also organize its ASTRID User Days at the same location, bringing together Belgian critical communication users with partners, suppliers, and stakeholders.

Key Challenges and the Role of Critical Communications

As technology rapidly evolves, video, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things are becoming increasingly important for emergency and security services. Transitioning from TETRA to a 4G/5G MCX network while ensuring smooth communication between services on both infrastructures is a significant challenge.

Benefits of CCW for ASTRID and Stakeholders

CCW offers ASTRID a platform to showcase its achievements and innovations in critical communications, raising awareness among industry professionals, potential partners, and decision-makers. The event also provides opportunities for knowledge sharing and networking with international stakeholders, helping ASTRID stay current with the latest trends and best practices in critical communication technologies.

Overall, CCW enhances ASTRID's visibility within the critical communications community and fosters collaboration to advance public safety communication systems. 

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