Critical Communications World 2021 Calls for Content
Author : Radio China    Time : 2020-12-09

CCW is heralded as the leading conference and exhibition for the sector, having supported end-users and manufacturers alike for more than 25 years. The programme will discuss how the sector can protect and enhance standards and technologies that are working well today, whilst looking forward to developments which will help with evolution and advancement.

If you have a research project, case study or any insight that you think could benefit critical communications professionals, you can submit your content proposal now. You can also contact Lisa Freeman, the Conference Director, directly with any queries you may have, via

Suggested topics include:

  • An age of transition: Retaining narrowband networks whilst looking ahead to mission-critical broadband
  • Protecting the quality: How do we move forward without compromising quality and service levels?
  • Cybersecurity: Protecting critical users across broadband, TETRA, and high-volume IoT
    Testing, certification and standards: The importance of testing, certification and how to maintain current standards
  • Commercial operators: are they ready to take on responsibility?: Updates on national broadband networks and commercial 4G/5G projects, contract strategies, and regulation/legislation changes
  • The critical communications ecosystem: Apps and devices, smart sustainable cities and how to ensure the best use of resources to serve a niche market
  • User needs and expectations: a non-technical reality check: Is there a gap between how critical users actually work and what emerging tech can offer? 
  • Control rooms: Interfacing to broadband network environments, robotics in critical services and the success stories and concerns regarding AI

Find out more about the suggested topics and the process for submitting your proposal here.

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