Codea joins TCCA
Author : TCCA    Time : 2020-07-02

The company - which was founded in 2008 - produces software for a variety of public safety organisations, including rescue services, hospitals and private ambulance companies. 

According to statistics released by TCCA, Codea systems have been installed on more than 400 mobile units throughout Finland, covering around 25,000 missions a month.
Speaking of the decision to join the association, Codea project manager Timi Härkönen said: “We are pleased to join the group [for] professionals regarding critical communications. We are looking forward to upcoming encounters with the specialists in the field. We also hope that we can - as market-leaders in Finland - offer something in return.”


TCCA chief executive Tony Gray said: “Efficient access to, and management of, critical information is crucial to the success of emergency response. Codea’s range of applications is supporting the first responders in Finland to help deliver the best possible outcomes.

“We are delighted to welcome the Codea team to TCCA and expect our wider membership and partners to benefit from their experience and expertise.”

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