Author : Radio China    Time : 2020-07-02

Earlier this year we announced that due to the developing situation around COVID-19, Comms Connect New Zealand 2020 would be moved to a later date in the year. That decision was based on the best available information we had at that time.  

Now that we have reached July, the situation is still fluid and it has become clear that we have little more certainty about the months ahead. This obviously makes planning for an event of this nature extremely difficult. Given this, and given that we must all do our best to ensure the safety of our teams, our colleagues and our extended contact groups, we have to take what seems to be the only sensible decision available to us in postponing Comms Connect New Zealand until May 2021.

We will be in touch with our key stakeholders to discuss their plans and how they can continue to be part of this important event in New Zealand’s critical communications landscape. As you would imagine, this decision has not be taken lightly, we appreciate your ongoing support and understanding at this time and look forward to working with you towards another successful Comms Connect New Zealand.

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