ARCIA Unfolded the First Conference and State Dinner of 2024 in Perth
Author : MCXTEND    Time : 2024-03-27    Source :

ARCIA's inaugural conference and state dinner of 2024 unfolded in Perth, marking a dynamic kickoff for both the Association and Western Australia's radio and critical communications sector. Despite challenges impacting attendance in certain sectors, the event saw a remarkable 15% increase in participation compared to the previous year. The conference boasted a robust program featuring concurrent workshops on LTE and microwave engineering, garnering significant interest.

“We were very pleased with the conference turnout again this year, which demonstrates the ongoing need for collaboration and the sharing of knowledge within the broader critical communications community. With local Mick Collis as emcee and guest speaker for our WA State Dinner, we were up 20% on last year which is fantastic. The only issue we face, is that it looks like we’ll need a bigger venue for next year – thanks for the solid support WA!,” said Paul Davis, CEO, ARCIA.

During the ARCIA 2024 WA State Networking Dinner, Jim Reid, Managing Director of Radlink Communications, was honored with the WA State Industry Advancement Award. Paul Davis commended Reid's selection, citing his exceptional professionalism, leadership, and the substantial growth of Radlink Communications under his guidance. Reid's contributions to both his company and the broader communications industry were lauded by peers.

Each individual state winner receives a trophy and an invitation to the Industry Gala dinner in Melbourne, where they become nominees for the prestigious 'Peter Wallace Industry Advancement Award', to be announced at the Melbourne Gala Dinner on October 16, 2024.

ARCIA extends profound gratitude to all presenters and partners whose participation and support ensure the continuation of such impactful events for the critical communications community.

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