World’s First MCX Recording Solution
Author : Radio China    Time : 2022-03-03    Source :

Eventide’s direct LTE-based mission-critical push-to-talk (MCPTT) recording solution has been created for use in public safety, government, air traffic control, utilities, oil & gas and security operations according to the duo. 

Chief executive of Eventide, Brad Basile, said the partnership would enable the digital voice log innovating company to “leap into the brave new MCX world in the shortest timeframe”. 

To develop the MCX recording solution, Eventide said it will harness Softil’s BEEHD technology, a 3GPP MCX Release 16 standard-compliant cross-platform framework software development kit. During incidents, first responder groups will have instant access to a vast amount of on-record incident information using the MCX recording solution including what information was pushed to group members and the location of every member of a group.

“Recording is a critical element of public safety operations and allows public safety agencies to reconstruct a response to a disaster or crime, run deep analysis, learn from it and much more,” Pierre Hagendorf, Softil’s CEO, added.

“As public safety is now embracing MCX, MCPTT and Public Safety Broadband Networks, MCX recording is becoming essential for successful service delivery. This partnership serves to illustrate the pace at which the MCX world is evolving. Ultimately, all sectors of human endeavor will be driven by MCX technology and Softil’s BEEHD cross-platform enabling technology will be pivotal in bringing about this MCX revolution.”

Softil’s BEEHD framework s the key enabling technology behind a wide range of 3GPP MCX mission-critical communication solutions, devices, and products, as well as rich media applications for Enterprise and IMS/VoLTE.

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