WA Police Use Mobile APP to Spend More Time in Community
Author : Radio China    Time : 2021-08-09

A mobile policing application from Motorola Solutions is helping all frontline officers with Western Australia Police Force (WA Police) to work with higher levels of safety and efficiency. OneForce Core is an application that puts essential information at officers’ fingertips and enables them to complete a number of different tasks on the go.

While it may look like police officers are spending more time on their mobile phones, they are not on social media. They’re accessing information on the app to speed up the administrative time and allow them more time on the beat. Calendared daily jobs are on the phones and police can also look up offenders’ details and check on custody matters on the site rather than back in their vehicles.

The application provides greater collaboration, coordination and situational awareness between control room workers and first responders in the field.

The technology is part of the government’s $34.6 million commitment to roll out personal mobile technology to free up more time for police officers working on the beat.

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