Teltronic, finalist in the International Critical Communications Awards
Author :    Time : 2021-09-22

The deployment of a private LTE network and its integration with CBTC signalling application on Line 3 of the Bilbao Metro has been selected as one of the shortlisted entries in the transport category of the International Critical Communications Awards, the most prestigious awards in the field of critical communications worldwide.


It will not be the company’s only nomination. In this same category, Teltronic has been selected together with its partner in Australia, MCS Digital, for the TETRA communications system deployed for the Sydney Metro.


Finally, José Martín, CEO of our North American subsidiary, PowerTrunk, is a finalist in “Outstanding Contribution to Critical Communications”, a category that recognizes the work of those individuals and institutions that have made a valuable contribution to the industry, earning the respect of the sector and contributing to increasing the safety of users around the world. The jury has taken into consideration the excellent career of José Martín who, among other merits, has played a decisive role in the introduction and development of TETRA technology in the United States and Canada.


The awards ceremony will take place on November 3, at the Casino de Madrid, and will be held within the framework of the Critical Communications World.

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