Teltronic Shows the Value of its Broadband Solutions During Copa América
Author : Radio China    Time : 2021-07-12

Teltronic has put its broadband technology at the service of the Mato Grosso State Secretariat of Public Security and, taking advantage of the matches that the city of Cuiabá is hosting for the Copa America football tournament, they are jointly testing how these solutions can improve the operation of law enforcement.

Mato Grosso already has a TETRA radio network to which LTE access has been added. Through this hybrid network and the use of multimode terminals, real-time video transmission is made possible with a technology that is not yet used by any security force in Brazil.

In this way, officers carrying such multimode equipment, or equipped with a body worn camera with broadband capabilities, can maintain their voice communications over the TETRA network, while broadband access allows video to be sent both to their battalion mates and to the control centre.

"We are seeing how this innovative technology performs during a major event to better understand the tools it offers us; the images are recorded in high resolution and can contribute to other public safety actions," explained Military Police Undersecretary for Operational Integration, Colonel Victor Fortes.

Military policemen from the 10th Battalion of the Mato Grosso Military Police (PMMT) were in charge of testing this hybrid technology, and the images were received through Teltronic’s Control Centre solution, CeCoCo, that was installed both in the Integrated Security Operations Centre (Ciosp) and the Integrated Mobile Command and Control Centre deployed outside the Pantanal Arena stadium. In addition, a drone flew over the stadium and the images it transmitted were received equally at both locations, providing an invaluable tool for the coordination and management of these major events.

"With the expansion of digital technology, it was important for Sesp-MT to test this equipment that brings streaming video to a major event, even without an audience, but simulated for when there are situations of great movement of people," said Ciosp's technical director, Sergeant BM Leandro Alves.

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