Teltronic Participates at the 3rd FRMCS Plugtest
Author : MCXTEND    Time : 2023-07-05    Source :

Teltronic is taking part at the 3rd FRMCS  Plugtests event which being hosted by UIC in Paris, arranged by the ETSI, with the support of the European Commission (EC), the European Free Trade Association (EFTA), the Critical Communications Association (TCCA) and the Union Internationale des Chemins de fer (UIC).

These sessions are part of the coordinated effort to replace GSM-R, the current standard for the railway telecommunication services. With the increased need for more throughput, higher capacity and flexible deployment options, FRMCS (Future Railway Mobile Communication System) is being developed based on 3GPP Mission Critical Services in order to became the new reference point.

The FRMCS Plugtests are aimed at validating the interoperability of a variety of implementations using different test scenarios based on the 3GPP Mission Critical Services framework with focus on the rail specific features.

Teltronic is taking part at the event with its RTP-800 as Cab Radio, and its control centre solution, CeCoCo. During these days, we will test typical railway functionalities, such as MCPTT calls, the use of MCDATA or the employment of Functional Alias, all of this on a 5G test network that is the technology required by the FRMCS standard.

The purpose and scope of the FRMCS Plugtests event are to test independently and jointly all components of the Mobile communication System for Railways, and these sessions allow us to assess the level of interoperability of our implementations, validate the understanding of the standards and test with other companies real implementations in order to demonstrate end-to-end interoperability.

Teltronic’s presence in all the FRMCS plugtest sessions that have been held highlights the company’s commitment to the work of defining the standard, as well as its dedication to the development of the most innovative communication solutions, always remaining at the forefront of technology.

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