TCCA Announces the Retirement of Ali Helenius from the Board After a Decade of Service
Author : MCXTEND    Time : 2024-10-01    Source :

Today, TCCA announced via social media the retirement of Ali Helenius from the TCCA Board, where he has been a dedicated member since 2013.

Helenius’ extensive contributions to the critical communications sector, both through his work at Airbus Defence and Space and his tenure on the TCCA Board, have had a profound impact on the industry.

Earlier this year, during TCCA's Critical Communications World event in Dubai, Ali was honored with the International Critical Communications Award (ICCA) for Individual Outstanding Contribution to Critical Communications. 

TCCA expressed their gratitude in a statement: "We extend our heartfelt thanks to Ali for his remarkable achievements and wish him a long, healthy, and happy retirement as he steps down from both TCCA and Airbus today."

In recognition of his service, the TCCA Board made a special presentation to Ali during their September meeting in Antwerp. The photo includes: Tracey Christy, TCCA Finance Director; Board members Jason Johur (Ericsson), Cate Walton (UK Home Office), Chair Mladen Vratonjic, Ali Helenius, Francesco Pasquali (Leonardo DRS), CEO Kevin Graham, Tim Clark (Motorola Solutions), Nina Myren (Direktoratet for samfunnssikkerhet og beredskap - DSB), Steve Barber (Sepura), and Tero Pesonen (Suomen Erillisverkot-konserni), and Vice-Chair of the Board.

About TCCA

TCCA represents all standard mobile critical communications technologies and complementary applications. Our Members are drawn from end users, operators and industry across the globe. We believe in and promote the principle of open and competitive markets worldwide through the use of open standards and harmonised spectrum, and we provide the forum for all with an interest in mission-critical and business-critical communications.

Within the Association there are a number of Working Groups that have been formed to specifically address important activities in support of the Association's objectives. TCCA Members can participate in the Working Groups, which include:

  • Broadband Industry Group (BIG)

  • Critical Communications Broadband Group (CCBG)

  • Legal and Regulatory Working Group

  • Marketing Group

  • SCADA, Telemetry and Smart Grid Working Group

  • Security and Fraud Prevention Group (SFPG)

  • Technical Forum (TF)

  • TETRA Applications Group

  • TETRA Industry Group

TCCA also has a close relationship with ETSI, and is the 3GPP Market Representation Partner for critical communications.

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