TCCA Announces Biteseize Conference
Author : Radio China    Time : 2021-06-15

The first conference in the series will take place online over two half-days on 23 & 24 June, presenting case studies on critical narrowband from the user perspective. Expert speakers and users from across the world will discuss what has worked well and what has gone wrong to help you optimise your own operations. You’ll also be able to talk to your fellow users about your challenges and receive informative feedback. Book your place now.

Sit in on sessions including:

Recent developments in TETRA networks in Norway and how these are being used effectively
Matilde Brown Megård, Senior Advisor, Critical Communications and Public Safety Network, Directorate for Civil Protection (DSB)
Anne Sofie Solburg, Senior Advisor and Project Manager, Nødnett Network Status Service, Norwegian Directorate for Civil Protection, Norway

Use of TETRA: what has worked well and what has gone wrong 
Al Edwards, Technology Operations Manager & Sponsor, Highways England
Robin Davis, TCCA & Actica Consulting
Frédéric Jans-Cooremans, Project Manager at the STIB, Public Transport Company of Brussels
Future direction for narrowband communications
Nick Smye, Chair, SCADA Group, TCCA
Ken Rehbehn, Directing Analyst, Omdia

Narrowband in the time of change
Steven McLinden, Retired Senior Fire and Rescue Officer,
Thomas Lynch, Research Director, Physical Security, Safe City, Critical Communications, Omdia

The full programme can be viewed here

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