Sky-based Mobile Networks Enabled by Drones Set to Transform Critical Communication and Disaster Relief Connectivity
Author : MCXTEND    Time : 2023-06-29    Source :

NSW Telco Authority together with our partners Vocus, ACT Emergency Services Agency and NSW Rural Fire Service recently ran a series of demonstrations at the NSW RFS Eurobodalla Hot Fire Training Facility in Bimbimbie.

We tested the creation of temporary large area cellular, Wi-Fi and Land Mobile Radio networks by utilising a combination of drone and satellite backhaul technology. These types of solutions could be used to help Emergency Service Organisations (ESOs) in activities such as missing persons searches that are challenging due to the terrain or distance from existing telecommunication networks. The demonstration successfully provided LTE coverage for up to a 3km radius in heavy bushland.

The solution used a cutting-edge XM2's EON800 Heavy Lift Tether System drone to support a payload of an LTE base station, a Wi-Fi access point and a P25 repeater, allowing the creation of a canopy of wireless connectivity quickly and flexibly. Through tethering, the drone is connected to a cable that provides a fibre optic feed down to a Starlink terminal and LTE core on the ground. Coverage can be maintained for hours as power is sourced from a generator.

Our Product team is testing new technology solutions that can better meet the needs of ESOs and the community in crisis situations to assist our first responders in coordinating responses during critical incidents.

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