Rohill, PT Len Industri and PT Simoco Indonesia signed cooperation agreement
Author : Radio China    Time : 2020-04-15    Source :

As part of the successful Dutch trade mission to Indonesia, Rohill announced the official signing of a cooperation agreement with Indonesian companies PT Len Industri and local Rohill distributor PT Simoco Indonesia  These parties are joining forces to obtain a leading position in the mission-critical mobile communication market in Indonesia. By sharing knowledge and resources, setting up a local production unit and a joint market approach, the parties aim to create a unique position for Indonesian customers. The technology developed by Rohill will provide customers with a secure, cost effective and future-proof solution.  The official signing ceremony took place in Jakarta, Indonesia on 10 March 2020, during the state visit of the King and Queen of The Netherlands.

The Indonesian government encourages local production and prefers local producers when it comes to public procurement. To date, Rohill produces communication systems in the Netherlands. The signed cooperation agreement responds to these needs and to the current problems concerning national security, in which the importance of an independent and secure national communication system is considered the highest priority by the government.

PT Len Industri, as a state-owned company, chose this cooperation to expand their portfolio with mission-critical communications solutions to ensure national safety and to guarantee full independence of foreign countries, political influences and shareholder-driven economics. The open interface of TETRA allows seamless national integration and standardization of both legacy networks and new technology platforms like LTE. Beside this, the local production, distribution, installation and first and second line support offer protection against cyber threats and avoidance of system backdoors. Also, with this local setup, delivering and maintaining the network can be guaranteed during the lifetime of the system.

As the world’s 4th most populous country, consisting of more than 17,000 islands, Indonesia has an extensive demand and potential for mission-critical and secure communication. The possibility of a secure network that is a 100% Indonesian product fits perfectly with the intention of Indonesia to maintain full independence when it comes to national security communications.

Rohill has been active on the Indonesian market for more than 20 years, of which the last 10 years together with local distributor PT Simoco, and has delivered several successful mission-critical communications projects in Indonesia. With this extensive experience, the cooperation agreement will benefit from Rohill as the perfect partner to develop a better and more secure communication network. Rohill, moreover, developed its own communication system entirely in-house using a technical development loan from the Dutch government.

Linus Sijabat, Director of Operation PT Len Industri, says: “We are very pleased to partner with Rohill and PT Simoco Indonesia  to develop a leading position in the Indonesian market for secure mission-critical communication. The experience and technical knowledge of Rohill and PT Simoco Indonesia  in mission-critical communication and the intention to start with local production are closely related to our goal: to guarantee national security and full independence.”

Furthermore Lucas Covers, CEO of Rohill, added: “This important agreement underlines our ambition to serve the end-users in the market of Public Safety on the need of a secure, cost-effective and future-proof solution.”

About PT Len Industri
PT Len is a state-owned company providing electronic infrastructure solution and having expertise, experience and a strong, proven track record for mission-critical communication in particular in the transportation market, railway market and ICT market. Furthermore, PT Len Industri is an experienced organization for development, production, system integration and after sales support within Indonesia.

About PT Simoco Indonesia
PT Simoco Indonesia is a Private Mobile Radio (system integrator) supplier for both digital and analogue networks mainly in Indonesia. Installed base includes systems for companies operating in mining, oil, gas, container ports, railways and the electricity industries.

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