Report Finds 5G as Biggest Potential for Critical Communications to Create Safe Cities
Author : Radio China    Time : 2020-03-02    Source :

IWCE, the leading event for the critical communications industry surveyed over 597 professionals working within the sector to benchmark the current technologies being used within the sector and technological challenges facing the industry. The report found that 76% use LTE devices and 70% are currently planning to use 5G eventually.

While it also was revealed that respondents felt 5G has the biggest potential to create safer cities above all other technologies such as AI, IoT etc. those surveyed also claimed cost and lack availability of sites to install 5G antennas were cited as the top reasons for its delayed rollout. Lack of understanding of the technology coming in third (32%) and regulation being seen as the least important barrier for rolling out 5G across America.

Which technologies have the biggest potential to create Safe Cities

  • 5G 54%

  • Internet of Things (IoT) / Internet of Lifesaving Things 37%

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) 30%

  • Broadband 13%

  • Video 12%

  • Drones 11%

  • Fiber 10%

  • Smart Buildings 10%

  • Smart Grid 9%

  • Cloud 8%

  • Smart Transportation Solutions 7%

  • Edge Computing 6%

  • Next General Dispatch 6%

  • WIFI6 6%

  • Predictive Policing 5%

  • Augmented Reality 3%

  • Smart X 2%

Biggest barriers respondents felt were delaying 5G rollout

  • Cost 36%

  • Number of sites 36%

  • Lack of understanding of the technology 32%

  • Backhaul 30%

  • Physical security 16%

  • Regulation 5

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