PMeV Launches Initiative to Find Specialists
Author : Radio China    Time : 2020-08-05

Managing Directors as well as Human Resources and Marketing Managers of the PMeV member companies will be involved in the development of ideas, strategies and measures to recruit specialists for the Professional Mobile Radio (PMR) sector. In addition to manufacturers, system integrators and specialized trading companies, operators of non-police control centers will also participate in this initiative. These civilian users are also looking both for junior employees and qualified specialists. The PMeV uses its complex network to support the vocational training of specialists.

Invitation to practitioners and academics

Irrespective of the current exceptional situation due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the PMR application sectors dealing with mission-, safety- and business-critical communications also experience a shortage of skilled experts. "The continuously increasing importance of safety- and business-critical communications in the area of security organizations, critical infrastructures and the industrial sector can be satisfied by us only by employing a higher number of qualified staff. We need both practitioners and academics along the entire supply and value-added chain", explained Peter Stroetmann, PMeV board member and project manager of the professional joint initiative.

The growth of the PMR market is also based on its increasing technological convergence to the commercial public mobile radio market. Driving forces of this convergence are the 4G/LTE and 5G technologies with their potential of being used also for mission-, safety- and business-critical communications. Especially against the background of the current increase in digitization, the PMR sector should take stronger account of the continuously growing relevance of the various IoT technologies in its solution concepts and prepare itself for this development by recruiting experts.

Growth potentials for the PMR market

With its professional joint initiative, the PMeV pools the know-how and expertise of its member companies in order to gain a sufficient number of appropriately qualified experts for the participation in the PMR segment of the future.

Bernhard Klinger, Chairman of the PMeV Board of Management, described the national and international trends increasing the growth potential of the PMR market: "The Covid-19 crisis accelerates the digitization of the German economy. In this conjunction, it is important to set up local dedicated broadband networks, so-called campus networks, based on 4G/LTE and 5G technologies. Broadband safety-critical campus networks permit innovative developments in many different sectors. German Security Agencies and operators of Critical Infrastructures will also require safety-critical and reliable broadband networks. At a global level, the increasing conflicts, terrorist attacks, cyberattacks and natural disasters also require a highly reliable and safety-critical communication infrastructure especially for Security Agencies and Critical Infrastructure operators."

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