PMRExpo 2023: Secure Communications for The Protection of Critical Infrastructures
Author : MCXTEND    Time : 2023-11-21    Source :

PMRExpo, the leading European trade fair for Secure Communications, takes place once again in Cologne from 28 to 30 November 2023.  PMRExpo will be accompanied by a three-day summit that will address a broad spectrum of current challenges and solutions in lectures, discussions and interactive contributions. Among the top themes of the summit is the protection of critical infrastructures (KRITIS).  
Companies that operate critical infrastructures play a decisive role in the preservation of public life and the supply system. Innovative technologies and solutions are called for to address varied challenges such as protection against cyber attacks and of sensitive information as well as the proper observance of safety standards and regulations.

Communications technology and solutions for KRITIS operators
"Together into a safe furure – communications solutions for operators of critical infrastructures" is the title of the lecture of Dr Nele Franz, E.ON SE, Dr. Frederik Giessing, 450connect GmbH. The lecture quickly answers the question of "What are operators of critical infrastructures? He then describes the requirements for operators of critical infrastructures for crisis and operative communications using the example of E.ON as the largest operator of energy networks and energy infrastructures in Germany. E.ONs reasons for the decision to expand the radio network in the frequency range 450 MHz will be explained, also with a view to alternative operator models and a comparison of technologies. The lecture will finally inform the audience about the nationally available 450connect speech platform for crisis and operative communications as well as the schedule for the national 450 MHz radio network expansion through 450connect.

Interoperability of various KRITIS radio technologies
Dr Nils Grupe, HMF Smart Solutions GmbH, presents the theme of "Interoperability of various KRITIS radio technologies - An overview“. Radio networks for KRITIS make high demands of the technology and solution used. Depending upon the application, chosen radio technologies can be more or less appropriate for a mission. The parallel use of different technology for the optimal realisation of a KRITIS application thereby requires gateways and/or interfaces in the backbone, with which radio networks can be connected with one another. This lecture provides an overview of the strengths and weaknesses of broadly distributed radio standards and points out in an exemplary fashion how different technologies complement and can be connected with one another.

In-building radio coverage – reliable radio coverage for buildings
Thomas Conrath, HMF Smart Solutions GmbH, and Marc-Oliver Hillmer, Radio Consulting GmbH, demonstrate how current and coming services for mission- and business-critical communication can increase security in industrial application areas – safety of people, of systems as well as of operation processes. And beyond this, what perspectives and possibilities coming technologies could potentially offer for the safety of emergency personnel for future local deployments in buildings.

Monitoring for the protection of a critical infrastructure
The lecture entitled "Monitoring next GEN. with Long Range WAN (LoRaWAN)" by Jubin Molai, UPLINK Network GmbH, points out how the USW broadcasting network operator UPLINK monitors its critical infrastructure via LoRaWAN and can thus serve as an example for KRITIS.  Dr Hans-Walter Borries, Miriam Schnürer and Martin Wundarm from the German Association for Critical Infrastructure Protection (BSKI) will finally talk about "Acute cyber/IT hazards and effective possibilities for protection". 

Here Secure tickets for PMRExpo 2023.

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