PMRExpo 2020: Save the date 24-26 November, Cologne
Author : PMRExpo    Time : 2020-04-01    Source :


Anniversary event with global reach

The PMRExpo 2020 will be held this year on 24-26 November. Across an exhibition space of some 4,900 square metres, this year we again look forward to over 230 national and international exhibitors from all continents presenting their products, services and innovations. The strong internationalisation of the PMRExpo was reflected in 2019 in the new record number of nearly 4,600 visitors from security authorities and organisations (BOS), the industry, and sectors ranging from energy and passenger transport to logistics and the specialist trade. Jens Lampe (Phonak Communications) summarises the development of the PMRExpo from the perspective of exhibitors: ‘The trade fair continues to expand on an international level beyond the boundaries of Europe. We have noted a strong increase in visitors from outside Europe.’ This trend is set to continue at this year’s fair.

Exhibitors praise the public’s know-how

Among the most important trends remarked upon at the PMRExpo is the specialist knowledge of the public, which is steadily growing in both quality and quantity. Numerous exhibitors stressed that the know-how and functional decision-making powers of many visitors was a key criterion for assessing the importance of the PMRExpo for their companies: ‘Many visitors have excellent technical knowledge: they’ve engaged with us in a very intensive dialogue and asked many incisive questions,’ Lars Grothe (JVCKenwood) enthused. André Berninger (Huber+Suhner) went even further: ‘The public at the PMRExpo is very decided. As a rule, we are able to combine very structured client meetings with specific projects.’ 

The Speakers’ Corner - a resounding success

The successful format of the Speakers’ Corner, which was very popular among visitors, will take place again in 2020. This format offers exhibitors the opportunity to present their products and innovations at the forum in the heart of the show. Likewise, the traditional expert forums, such as the Emergency Services Forum, the Specialist Trade Forum and the Forum for Indoor Radio Systems, will again account for a significant part of the extensive programme of PMRExpo 2020, offering a framework for intensive discussions with technically strong presentations.  


Summit Secure Communication 

At this year’s event, the Summit Secure Communication will be divided into three target group-specific focus days. 

Day 1 – Focus: Strategy & Innovation

Day 2 – Focus: Users & Best Practice

Day 3 – Focus: Command & Control Centres 

This will permit visitors to this year’s event to plan their attendance according to their special interests. Visitors can purchase either a combined ticket or a single ticket for one of the three focus days. In this way, topical presentations on specific themes can be optimally combined with a visit to one of the more than 230 exhibitors at the show. 

Start-ups join in again

At the PMRExpo 2020, the organisers will again reserve certain areas of the hall exclusively for start-ups.  Patrick Reichel of the start-up rescue TABLET was impressed by the PMRExpo 2019: ‘The flow of visitors and clients was exciting.  We were able to conduct excellent discussions with major clients. But most of all, we were able to connect with other exhibitors with whom we share interests. We would not have been able to network like that without the PMRExpo. As a start-up, these contacts are immensely important to us. We plan to intensify them in the near future.’

Network for Secure Communications

The PMRExpo is not only the leading European trade fair, but also a global network for secure communication. Users, manufacturers, systems and application vendors, network operators, consultants and experts network and convene for rewarding technical exchanges in Cologne. Bernhard Klinger, chairman of the PMeV association, which provides professional consulting and support for the PMRExpo, emphasised the general significance of the PMRExpo and its network in his welcoming address: ‘Mission-critical and security-critical communication is more important than ever.’    

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