Nokia Expands Compact DAC Private Wireless to Boost Productivity for European Logistics Industry
Author : MCXTEND    Time : 2024-02-07    Source :

Nokia today announced the availability of Nokia DAC PW Compact for small- medium size businesses and the logistics industry in Europe. Following the launch in the United States last year, Nokia DAC PW Compact will help the logistics industry overcome connectivity and automation challenges in micro fulfillment centers (MFCs) and warehouses with new spectrum variants in Italy, Finland, France, Germany, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland and the United Kingdom.

Nokia DAC PW Compact provides reliable, secure, and high-performance wireless connectivity for applications, devices, and machines in MFCs, such as autonomous guided vehicles (AGVs), workers’ handhelds, machines, asset trackers and sensors. It is designed to meet the specific needs of the logistics market, which is undergoing a major transformation due to the rise of e-commerce and consumer demand which requires faster and more convenient delivery but is also applicable for other industrial small sites.

According to ABI Research, the market size of the logistics sector in Europe is estimated to be 1.05 trillion USD in 2024, and it is expected to reach 1.32 trillion USD by 2029 growing at a CAGR of 4.69 percent during the forecast period from 2024 to 2029. However, the logistics market in Europe is projected to lose 1.03 billion USD of revenue in 2024 due to failing connectivity, caused by using legacy Wi-Fi networks that are not fit for purpose for the high levels for automation and mobility in warehouses.

Nokia DAC PW Compact contributes to the digital transformation of industries by reducing energy consumption by up to 60 percent versus equivalent Wi-Fi deployments, as well as OPEX costs.

In addition, the solutions’ technology helps optimize goods-in/goods-out and any goods movements with seamless handover of AGVs between access points, latency reduction and can support many other use cases such as creating machines digital twins, feeding real time data to workers and accurate real-time asset tracking throughout the supply chain. The solution can also be enhanced with MXIE capabilities to run on this on-prem edge application platform, many industrial digitalization applications supporting key segment use cases.

Stephan Litjens, Vice President of Enterprise Solutions at Nokia, said: "As digital transformation takes hold within a wider range of industries where security, scalability, productivity and efficiency are much needed, Nokia DAC PW Compact offers the capabilities of our mission-critical industrial edge (MXIE), simplifies Industrial Digitalization of small-medium size businesses and will help to accommodate the growing and changing needs of the logistics market in Europe."

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