Maritime Rescue Grants Radiotelecommunications System Contract to Cellnex Telecom in Spain
Author : MCXTEND    Time : 2024-04-10    Source :

The Spanish Ministry of Transport and Sustainable Mobility's Maritime Rescue and Safety Society (SASEMAR) has awarded Cellnex Spain the contract to provide services encompassing the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System for the Safety of Life at Sea. Through its Coast Stations network strategically located along the Iberian Peninsula coast, Cellnex will offer services across VHF, MF, HF, and NAVTEX frequency bands.

These Coast Stations, interconnected via Cellnex's national data transmission network, will facilitate Maritime Radio Communications Control Centres (CCR), manned by Cellnex's maritime radio operators. These operators will ensure a "Permanent Listening Service" (24x365), receiving and relaying alerts, distress calls, and emergency messages to Rescue Coordination Centres (CCS).

Moreover, the service encompasses broadcasting radio warnings, bulletins, and meteorological alerts under Maritime Rescue coordination. It also includes linking with the Spanish medical radio service for sea-based medical consultations, radio equipment testing, and ship inspections.

Covering maritime zones A1, A2, and A3, Cellnex's Coast Station Network extends radio coverage to 35 nautical miles in the VHF band (A1), 150 nautical miles in Medium Wave (A2), and Short-Wave coverage between 76 degrees North and 76 degrees South (A3).

Compliance with international conventions, notably the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) Convention and the International Search and Rescue Convention (SAR), is integral to the service. This ensures adherence to critical ship safety protocols.

Meeting Maritime Rescue's stringent service level demands necessitates a robust network design by Cellnex, with redundancies and contingency plans ensuring operational reliability for such a vital service.

With a proven track record in managing safety and emergency communication networks, Cellnex's extensive mobile radio systems, serving over 98,000 users across Spain, reinforce its capability in this domain.

Additionally, Cellnex has secured the Automatic Identification System (AIS) data service contract, enabling the establishment of a maritime traffic monitoring and processing system. This service includes real-time AIS data monitoring, storage, and processing, with extended satellite coverage areas and a new Web Map Services (WMS) offering worldwide coverage. Valued at nearly EUR 6 million over five years, this contract further solidifies Cellnex's commitment to maritime safety and communication excellence.

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