Inrico Empowers Property Management Company to Upgrade Communication System
Author : MCXTEND    Time : 2024-02-26    Source :

Telkom Property Indonesia, a leading property management firm serving Telkom Indonesia and other clients, has partnered with Inrico to enhance its communication infrastructure. As the real estate industry experiences rapid growth, Telkom Property Indonesia recognized the need to modernize its communication system to meet the evolving management needs of the market.


Inrico conducted a comprehensive assessment of Telkom Property Indonesia's operations and communication requirements. Subsequently, a tailored communication system upgrade solution was developed to support the company's transition towards more intelligent and digital property management practices. The solution comprises the T320 smart Push-to-talk over Cellular (PoC) radio, DR10 direct-mode gateway, featuring PMR-PoC convergence, push-to-talk (PTT), multimedia calls, and visualized dispatch capabilities.


Traditional two-way wireless communication systems deployed by Telkom Property Indonesia faced limitations in areas with weak or no wireless signals, such as underground parking lots and elevators. Inrico’s T320 PoC radio overcomes these coverage limitations by leveraging PoC technology and signal amplifiers via WiFi and 4G cellular networks, eliminating the need for costly repeater deployment.


At the heart of these streamlined communication processes lies Inrico’s DR10, a converged gateway device that realizes interconnection between Telkom Property’s established analog and digital two-way radio system and newly acquired PoC radios of different modes and brands. Furthermore, DR10’s Caller ID display feature between PoC & PMR devices makes it easy for property management personnel on the move to know whom they are talking to.


The integration of Inrico’s communication solutions facilitates more efficient cross-departmental communication scenarios. Reception personnel can quickly summon security guards equipped with handheld PoC radios in response to resident inquiries or emergencies. Maintenance technicians can be dispatched promptly by the property manager using the Mobile PTT App, streamlining issue resolution.

Inrico's T320 PoC radios and Dispatch software iConvNet from its global strategic partner streamline property patrol management by offering NFC or GPS-based clock-in options for security and maintenance personnel. Job ticketing of on-site conditions through text, photos, and videos enhances data accuracy, enabling managers to analyze and address issues effectively.


iConvNet's wireless communication solution integrates various CCTV applications for AI-based facial and license plate recognition. Suspicious individuals or vehicles captured by the monitoring system trigger real-time alerts, enabling swift security responses through iConvNet Dispatch.


"The Inrico T320 PoC radios, coupled with iConvNet Mobile & Dispatch, have significantly improved our property management efficiency," said an enterprise manager at Telkom Property Indonesia. "We can now accomplish tasks efficiently with limited manpower, leading to a significant increase in customer satisfaction."

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