Inner Mongolia Western Gas Company Improves Pipeline Inspection Efficiency With JOUAV
Author : MCXTEND    Time : 2023-04-28    Source :

Inner Mongolia Western Gas Co. Ltd. is a natural gas transmission and distribution company that operates a 467km natural gas pipeline. The pipeline runs through an airport construction area, which poses significant safety risks and requires frequent checks. To address this challenge, the company adopted the CW-25E VTOL drone with MG-120E to inspect pipeline lines, high-consequence areas, and key flood control locations.

The CW-25E completed a total of 8,200 km of inspections and found 287 warning events. With JOUAV's cloud-based video surveillance platform, all of which were promptly notified to the O&M department and addressed in a closed-loop manner.

During inspections, the drone collected data on various hidden dangers, adding to the sample database and improving the identification of potential risks. By analyzing early warning events, the UAV updates inspection plans, increases inspection frequency in high-risk areas, and optimizes resource allocation.

"Thanks to JOUAV's CW-25E, our pipeline inspections have become more efficient and effective. With intelligent identification and real-time video, we can quickly find and respond to potential problems, ensuring the safety and reliability of our network.,” said Jian Yang, Drone Pilot and General Manager at Inner Mongolia Western Gas Co. Ltd.

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