Industry-leading Network Testing Company Valid8 Joins TCCA
Author : MCXTEND    Time : 2024-01-11    Source :

TCCA, the global member-led organisation for all stakeholders in the critical communications ecosystem, has welcomed network testing company Valid8 as a new member. With more than 20 years of proven results, US-based Valid8 provides testing tools and services for mission critical communications such as MCX and P25 ISSI/CSSI, 5G, 4G/LTE and the Internet of Things (IoT).  The company is proud that more than 90% of customer feedback points to flexibility and service as the reason they partner with Valid8.

Valid8 enables a different approach to testing. Industry-leading performance, security and conformance solutions for communications networks deliver technology with flexible, customisable testing options in a single platform. Valid8 tests fixed and mobile networks with an upgrade path to support emerging technologies such as 5G and IoT, with a customer base representing some of the largest providers in the world.

“We are excited to be a member of TCCA. As a regular participant at the ETSI MCX PlugtestsTM events, TCCA offers a great opportunity for Valid8 to expand our reach and connect with the global TCCA membership,” said, Ian Carpenter, CEO of Valid8.  “We look forward to further conversations and to sharing with the membership our load, emulation, feature and conformance test tools for the MCX industry.”

“We are delighted to welcome Vaid8 as a new TCCA member. Valid8 brings specific expertise and knowledge to our international community,” said TCCA CEO Kevin Graham. “TCCA has always encouraged open standards, multivendor interoperability, conformance and certification for business and mission critical communications applications. We look forward to Valid8 sharing their experience to drive adoption of and confidence in interoperable and certified solutions for the benefit of end users.”

Within its Working Groups, interoperability and certification programmes, and via its world-leading Critical Communications World event, TCCA members and partners set the agenda for the global development of critical communications.

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