Hytera Upgrades Mendoza’s 911 Emergency Communications System with its Latest Integrated Command and Control Platform
Author : MCXTEND    Time : 2024-09-16    Source : www.mcxtend.com

Hytera Communications, a leading global provider of professional communications technologies and solutions, has upgraded Mendoza’s 911 Emergency Communications System with its state-of-the-art Integrated Command and Control (ICC)platform, empowering the system with more situational awareness features like automatic caller geolocation, real-time traffic information, video surveillance, taxi and community alarms integration, automatic patrol control and integrated mobile application for first responders, enabling more efficient response to any public emergency.

The upgraded 911 Emergency Communications System has been designed to provide a comprehensive multi-agency solution from Emergency-Call-Taking to Dispatching as well as Incident Tracking and Analysis, which needs to integrate the existing TETRA communications system and other technologies and subsystems like the newly deployed Hytera BodyCam platform. The system is connected with multiple agencies such as Police, Health, Fire Fighters and Civil Defense to facilitate a more coordinated and efficient response. The application of automatic geolocation helps identify the caller’s location, enabling efficient dispatching of Public Safety agencies or First Responders to incident, greatly improving the response to emergencies.

“Today we inaugurate a new and comprehensive emergency system that revolutionizes our response to emergencies. The geolocation of callers to 911 is essential to save time and address situations more effectively. It also allows previous calls to be connected to identify different types of alerts. This system is key to effective prevention and response in matters of Security, Public Health, Civil Defense and Fire Fighters,” said Mercedes Rus, the Minister of Security and Justice Department, during a recent visit to the Strategic Operation Center together with the Undersecretary of Applied Technology for Security, Leandro Biskupovich.

The new improvement to the 911 Emergency Communications System also includes the integration of external systems like panic buttons, community alarms, taxis and bank security, which allows incidents to be generated automatically without the need for calls. In addition, it contemplates the link with fixed and mobile video surveillance platforms and body cameras, allowing the dispatchers at Strategic Operation Center to monitor the situations at real-time base. Moreover, the Undersecretary Biskupovich pointed out that “a mobile application was developed for Patrol Officers, which will provide them with comprehensive information about the incident and the best route to get to the location in time.”

“We are implementing a modern and robust 911 Emergency Communications System that includes caller geolocation, real-time traffic information, and integration with video surveillance systems and community alarms. This allows us optimize resources, reduce response time, and provide better care in critical situations. Integration with community alarms also speeds up the handling of emergencies, avoiding unnecessary calls and allowing for a faster and more effective response,” said Biskopovich.

In addition to the ICC integration, Hytera also integrated its latest BodyCam product line VM750D with Mendoza’s Coordinated Emergency Service, extending 911 Emergency Communications System’s connectivity to the frontline. Hytera’s VM750D can serve as a Push-to-Talk over Cellular (PoC) radio, SEC staff can directly talk to the dispatchers at Strategic Operation Center over public mobile networks or WLAN networks by pressing PTT key if more resources are needed for incident handling. In the meantime, VM750D can capture all pictures, audios and videos happened onsite, providing data and evidence for post-incident analysis.

When mentioning Body Cameras, Biskupovich said, “They will be used in situations where the SEC operation needs to provide primary assistance in health events, especially when the police have arrived at the scene before medical personnel.”

“The collaboration between Hytera and Mendoza Security and Justice Department has lasted for many years since TETRA integration with 911 system in 2011. We are always happy to provide our cutting-edge technologies and solutions to satisfy our customer’s multiple demands at different times,” said Luis Perez, Sales Director of Hytera LATAM South.

The upgraded 911 Emergency Communications System has been in full operation at Strategic Operation Center Sur, Uco Valley, Este, GC and Mobile, providing daily support and protection for the Greater Mendoza area.

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