Frequentis Supplies German Bundeswehr With IT Equipment for National Air Defence
Author : Radio China    Time : 2022-12-22    Source :

On 24 November 2022, the Federal Office of Bundeswehr Equipment, Information Technology and In- Service Support (BAAINBw) and Frequentis Deutschland GmbH signed a contract for the delivery of the complete system "Network Redesign and Obsolescence Elimination - IT Equipment Command and Control Centre National Air Defence / National Situation and Command Centre Security in Airspace". The project is scheduled for completion in 2025.

The Frequentis command and control system supports the "National Situation and Command Centre for Security in Airspace", in securing German airspace. With the support of this system, security-critical scenarios such as unauthorised intrusion into airspace, aircraft hijackings, and terrorist attacks can be handled efficiently and effectively. For this purpose, nationwide data sources from the radars and radio sites of the German Armed Forces can also be accessed.

The Frequentis command and control system was first presented as a demonstrator in 2010 and has been continuously developed and expanded since its introduction to the Bundeswehr. The contract for network redesign and obsolescence elimination is an important milestone for the further continuation of the long-standing partnership between the Bundeswehr and Frequentis. This contract is also an important contribution to the security of German airspace.

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