Author : MCXTEND    Time : 2023-05-18    Source : www.mcxtend.com

ENENSYS Technologies, leading provider of media delivery solutions, has joined TCCA, which brings together the global ecosystem to develop and promote standardised critical communications solutions for professional users.

Having played a central role within 3GPP over the past decade developing the key MBMS/eMBMS components of the mission critical services (MCX) standards, ENENSYS Technologies is recognized by the global critical communications community for its solutions, which facilitate the efficient delivery of critical communications at scale. In particular, ENENSYS leads the market with its open, standards-based, end-to-end broadcast/multicast solutions.

By becoming an active industry member of TCCA, ENENSYS will be able to contribute its knowledge and expertise to multiple working groups; in particular, the Critical Communications Broadband Group (CCBG) and Broadband Industry Group (BIG), where the global ecosystem of equipment and solutions providers, critical network operators, Government agencies and industry experts work together to accelerate the migration to advanced critical broadband solutions.

ENENSYS’ Global Head Critical Communications, Peter CLEMONS, will represent the company within TCCA. ENENSYS Founder and CEO, Régis LE ROUX – together with Peter – will also be attending this month’s Critical Communications World 2023 event in Helsinki, confirming the growing importance of critical communications for the company.

“As our global critical communications business continues to grow and we engage more and more with partners, customers and other key stakeholders, we have come to realise that TCCA membership is essential to playing an increased role within this important sector” declared Régis LE ROUX, founder and CEO, ENENSYS Technologies.

“I’m looking forward to continuing my long-term relationship with TCCA. Our industry and communities are at an important stage in our generational move towards critical broadband. ENENSYS is keen to play an active role within Working Groups such as CCBG and BIG to accelerate this move and generate significant value for all stakeholders” stated Peter CLEMONS, Global Head Critical Communications, ENENSYS Technologies.

“We are delighted that ENENSYS has chosen to become the latest member of TCCA’s global mission-critical community. Their expertise will be a welcome addition to our various working groups and we value and look forward to their participation at Critical Communication World 2023 in Helsinki next week” stated Kevin Graham, CEO, TCCA.

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