DAMM has appointed Simon Riesen new Senior Solutions Manager
Author : Radio China    Time : 2020-04-08    Source : www.radiochina.info

DAMM is pleased to announce that we have appointed Simon Riesen as our new Senior Solutions Manager.

Simon holds a B.A. in Electrical Engineering and an M.A. in Telecommunication Management and has worked with TETRA solutions for 20 years. During that time he has held various positions at Nokia's PMR business (later to become Airbus), giving him many years of experience with delivering technical and pre-sales support and technical training.

“I’ve always worked very closely with customers and partners and am really looking forward to putting my knowledge and experience into use at DAMM,” says Simon. “Unfortunately,” he continues, “due to the Covid-19 crisis around the globe I cannot travel to meet the team right now, but hope to be able to do so before long.”

Simon joins the new Solutions Management Team at DAMM, created in order to strengthen DAMM’s position as a solutions provider. CEO Jens Thostrup explains that, “Apart from his technical skills and knowledge, Simon also brings the solutions-oriented mindset and experience that makes him the perfect candidate to be part of our new team. We are delighted to welcome Simon to be part of our DAMM team.”

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