DAMM Supplies Digital Radio System to Zurich Airport
Author : Radio China    Time : 2020-08-24

When Zurich launched a tender for renewal of its radio system in 2019, focus was on cost-efficiency and flexibility. Choosing a digital communication solution from DAMM was therefore an open-and-shut case.

The solution consists of a complete indoor communication system along with licenses for the DAMM TetraFlex® Dispatcher and DAMM TetraFlex PTT smartphone app, allowing easy tracking of and individual and group communication with staff. Both hardware and software are easy to install and adapt to changing needs. Combined with the high efficiency and low maintenance of the hardware, ensuring low costs, this makes the solution from DAMM ideal for Zurich Airport.

Pablo Rocha, DAMM Regional Sales and Global Transportation Business says, “We are proud to collaborate with ErvoCom AG to implement our secure and reliable radio infrastructure in Zurich Airport, which is considered one of the most important hubs in Europe.”

ErvoCom will integrate the high-quality TETRA radio system supplied by DAMM into the new overall airport solution developed by ErvoCom. The new solution includes special ErvoCom applications tailored to Zurich Airport operations.

These include an object call server for flexible flight handling, workstations for Apron Control and dispatchers – mainly based on tablet solutions – as well as comprehensive PABX and call diversion management.
The phased implementation of the project will be finalized by mid-2021.


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