Critical Communications Connections - TCCA hosts Critical Updates Webinar Series
Author : Radio China    Time : 2020-05-13

Focusing on the immense amount of collaborative working ongoing in the critical communications arena, TCCA is hosting a series of Critical Update webinars to ensure the information and details of progress are available to organisations across the ecosystem and beyond.

“There is so much tireless effort being put into our industry to the benefit of all society, and now more than ever it is important that the largely ‘behind the scenes’ work is recognised and promoted,” said TCCA Chief Executive Tony Gray, who will introduce each webinar. “These projects are all underpinned by the cooperation of many individuals and organisations united in the goal of enhancing critical communications.”

The first webinar takes place on Thursday 14 May. Entitled Mission Critical Services (MCX) ETSI Plugtests™: Results and Future Plans, the session is presented by ETSI and focuses on the MCX Plugtests, looking at the success of the events to date and previewing the fifth event due to take place remotely later this year. Further information and registration details can be found here.

The second webinar takes place on Wednesday 10 June and is an overview of the innovative Mission Critical Services – Testing as a Service (MCS-TaaSting) project, which aims to fulfil the specific needs of the mission critical community in terms of flexible conformance testing. It will allow the industry to prove the 3GPP standards-compliance of their implementations and will give users and operators the confidence to buy compliant products. Further information and registration details can be found here.

TETRA to 2035 and Beyond - an overview of the continuing enhancement of the TETRA standard is the subject of the third webinar on Wednesday 24 June and will look at the ongoing strength of TETRA, the work of ETSI’s TC-TCCE on interworking, security and performance enhancements, and the importance of TCCA’s IOP process as the foundation of TETRA’s success. Further information and registration details can be found here.

With the increasing strength of the critical broadband market, there is a need for a formal interoperability testing and certification process to ensure compliance to standards and give end users a seamless service which does not tie them in to one provider. Together with the Global Certification Forum, TCCA will be presenting the results of the joint task force work in the fourth webinar: Moving Certification Forward for Mission Critical Products, on Thursday 2 July. Registration will open in early June.

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