Consort Digital Concludes CCW Dubai with a New Vision Brand Narrative – Trust Your Response
Author : MCXTEND    Time : 2024-05-31    Source :

Consort Digital successfully concluded its participation in the TCCA Critical Communications World (CCW) 2024 in Dubai. At the event, Consort Digital introduced a new vision brand narrative – “Trust Your Response.” 

Professionals operating in challenging environments depend on mission-critical communication solutions to deliver timely responses to both routine and exceptional tasks. These responses often necessitate instantaneous decision-making, underscoring the indispensable need for a high level of trust in them.

Consort Digital MCX ONE ecosystem provides a trusted environment for its users by provisioning – 

Network and Connectivity – partnerships with industry leaders for narrowband (TETRA/ DMR) and broadband (4G/ 5G) ensuring instantaneous and uninterrupted communication with reliable coverage at all times.

Platform – flexible deployment options, including Edge, Enterprise and Cloud including Geo-redundancy and High Availability configuration for reliable MCX Application Service platform. 

Devices – a range of Consort Digital and third-party devices designed to perform under the most demanding conditions.

Applications – Easy to use and effective user applications for end users and control rooms for accelerated response.

Consort Digital moves forward with its new vision brand narrative, “Trust Your Response,” reaffirming its dedication to providing fail-safe, reliable coverage and innovative solutions that empower organizations to meet their mission-critical communication needs.

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