Comms Connect a Hit in Christchurch
Author : MCXTEND    Time : 2023-06-19    Source :

The Southern Hemisphere’s premier critical communications event, Comms Connect, made a successful return to Te Pae Christchurch Convention Centre this week, with a two-day conference and exhibition from 13–14 June.

Over 530 attendees visited over the two days, including government agencies, industry end users, sector experts, dealers and vendors. This was a 20% increase on the 2022 event, in a clear indication of how keen local industry professionals were to support and discuss the future of critical communications.

The conference agenda was packed with two streams of presentations, with topics covering lessons learned from the Christchurch earthquake, Cyclone Gabrielle and other natural disasters; what to expect from New Zealand’s imminent Public Safety Network (PSN); and the potential of 5G Standalone and other future-facing technologies. Meanwhile, the exhibition floor featured local and international vendors showcasing their wares, from aerials to cables, enclosures, gateways, scopes and, of course, handsets.

The 2023 RFUANZ Gala Dinner and Industry Excellence Awards were held on the evening of 13 June, recognising and acknowledging the many forms of excellence seen in the New Zealand radio industry. Guests were entertained on the night by local celebrity and MC Kerre Woodham, whose boisterous speech managed to include a few tender moments about how her time as a radio presenter has taught her the value of wireless communication.

Comms Connect will return on 18–19 October with its flagship show in Melbourne. For further updates, keep an eye on

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