Comms Connect Virtual Conference Series in November 2020
Author : Radio China    Time : 2020-10-09

The new Comms Connect Virtual Conference Series is set to deliver a high-quality program of speaker sessions.

Although the physical Comms Connect Melbourne 2020 event has had to be cancelled due to COVID-19, the new Comms Connect Virtual Conference Series is set to deliver a high-quality program of speakers in November.

Each Thursday in November between 10:00 am and midday, a series of online presentations from local and international experts will be held, followed by an interactive Q+A panel session. The sessions will be chaired by Chris Stevens, a highly respected public safety communications expert and Managing Director of CartGIS.

The Comms Connect Virtual Conference Series will be widely marketed across Australia, New Zealand, the Pacific Islands, PNG and South-East Asia — spreading the Comms Connect brand to a broader audience than ever before.

Here is a preview of what to expect: 

Thursday, 5 November: Cybersecurity and our industry. Cybersecurity threats are a continually evolving risk management issue for the critical communications industry. And as we become more digitised and connected through the internet and integrated topologies, networks will only become more exposed to cybersecurity threats. As network designers, engineers, integrators and managers, we need to have confidence in the ability of our digital infrastructure to stand up to cybersecurity threats. Is the critical communications sector lagging behind others in this regard?


Thursday, 12 November: Private LTE — ensuring coverage, capacity and control, from design to implementation. Organisations that can generate the greatest benefit from private LTE have the kind of use cases that are not readily supported by public networks. This session will cover the primary reasons to deploy private networks (coverage, capacity and control), how to need to ensure infrastructure and equipment is cost-effective, fast to deploy and simple to operate, and how a baseline architecture and design for private LTE is the building block of the process.


Thursday, 19 November: Location-based services — practical integration tips. With the rapid development of digital communication networks, location-based services represent a novel challenge both conceptually and technically. Most location-based service applications are part of everyday life, running across LTE (public and private), LMR, IoT and Wi-Fi networks. But providing end users with added value on top of mere location information is a complex task.

Given the variety of possible applications, the basic requirements of location-based services are numerous. To ensure these services maintain relevance in a big data ecosystem it is imperative that they be integrated into operational and analytical systems.

Thursday, 26 November: Next-generation land mobile radio systems — how does the industry keep radio relevant? Although global LMR system sales are expected to exhibit strong growth to 2025, how can the traditional comms industry remain relevant into the future? What opportunities exist for private and public safety LMR users and what strategies are being deployed by the sector to ensure relevance remains?


More information can be found at

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