BelFone Two-Way Radios in ICU Room Scenery
Author : Radio China & MCCResources    Time : 2020-03-13    Source :

The COVID-19 is daily cramming an increasing number of its victims to ICU rooms across the country, especially in Hubei Province. The medical staff need to provide patients with a hygienic as well as tranquil ICU environment while keeping their conditions under strict surveillance. Crucial information needs to be exchanged in real-time so that effective measures can be taken concerning any change of the patients’ conditions. In such circumstances, two-way radios, as the fastest and most efficient way for short distance communication, is considered an ideal communication tool with the following advantages.

Increased Communication Efficiency

With a two-way radio, one needs only to push the PTT button to initiate a talk, or when the VOX feature is activated with a paired earpiece, one needs only to open one’s mouth to speak. And the message is immediately, instantly transmitted to all. This is very important as it puts everyone on the same page, and also it enables a nurse to directly contact a doctor in case of an emergency. Two-way radios in an ICU room help to save a lot of time and energy.

ICU Tranquility Secured

ICU patients require a quiet and peaceful environment. Usually medical staffs “shout” at each other when they have anything to communicate. Such means of communication is more noisy than efficient. After the installation of a radio system, people can still communicate effectively without increasing their volume. Patients can enjoy greater tranquility.

Ensure Personnel Safety

ICU rooms are enclosed spaces. Usually people use phones that are installed at fixed points to communicate. Apart from being inconvenient (as the phones are not portable), this communication means poses another potentially dangerous threat. A fixed phone used by different people may gather and spread germs, which can cause cross infections. This is exactly what a two-way radio can help to avoid.

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