BK Technologies Receives $924,000 Purchase Order for BKR 5000 Radios from The Washington State Department of Natural Resources
Author : MCXTEND    Time : 2023-06-16    Source : www.mcxtend.com

BK Technologies Corporation (NYSE American: BKTI) today announced that it has received a purchase order valued at $924,000 from the Washington State Department of Natural Resources (“Washington DNR”). This is a follow-on order to the $1.4 million order announced on March 7, 2023, from the Washington DNR and includes the Company’s BKR 5000 radios as the agency continues to conduct a lifecycle replacement program for its communications technology.

John Suzuki, CEO of BK Technologies, stated, “The Washington DNR has been a valuable customer of BK Technologies for close to 30 years and is one of the largest and most widespread users of our products at the state level. We’re pleased that the agency continues to select our BKR 5000 radio and other products, particularly as it relates to their wildland fire suppression, mitigation and emergency response efforts, and we look forward to continuing to support them as they conduct a lifecycle replacement program for their communications technology.”

The Washington State Department of Natural Resources is committed to managing, sustaining, and protecting the health and productivity of Washington’s lands and waters. The department’s management responsibilities include the monitoring of mining cleanup, environmental restoration, and providing scientific information about earthquakes, landslides, and ecological areas, as well as conservation in the form of aquatic reserves and natural resource conservation areas. The DNR also serves as Washington State’s wildfire fighting force, with 600 permanent and temporary employees fighting fires on more than 13 million acres of private and state-owned forest lands.

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