BAPCO Annual Event 2024 Unveils Innovations in Critical Communications
Author : MCXTEND    Time : 2024-03-13    Source :

The British APCO (BAPCO) Annual Event 2024, bapco2024, brought together industry leaders, experts, and enthusiasts to explore the latest developments in public safety, mission-critical communications. The event was notable for its focus on the Emergency Services Network (ESN), spearheaded by Programme Director John Black and Chief Engineer Cate Walton.

The main stage sessions, hosted by John Black and Cate Walton, drew the largest crowds as they provided a much-anticipated update on the ongoing publicsafety mission-critical communications journey - ESN. The session began with a warm welcome from UK Home Office Crime, Policing & Fire Minister, Chris Philp, setting the tone for the informative presentations that followed.

John Black revisited last year's memorable "shopping trolley" slide, highlighting the re-procurement of Lot 2 - Services. The decision on this procurement is anticipated "by the end of the summer," adding a layer of suspense to the proceedings. The significance of MCX testing at scale took center stage in John's presentation, emphasizing continued testing of Motorola Solutions' Kodiak app. However, the app faces imminent replacement at the end of 2024 following Motorola's removal from the program.

The complexity of delivering an end-to-end, nationwide solution was a recurring theme, along with updates on coverage, including the Extended Area Services (EAS). Unfortunately, the eagerly awaited new ESN timeline (2026?, 2029? 2030s?) hinges on the signing of new contracts and the agreement of a roll-out schedule.

Cate Walton took the stage to shed light on ESMCP's international collaboration efforts. Notable mentions included TCCA, 3GPP, ETSI, and the Global Certification Forum. Partnerships with organizations such as the French Ministère de l'Intérieur et des Outre-mer ACMOSS, Direktoratet for samfunnssikkerhet og beredskap (DSB), Suomen Erillisverkot -konserni, and the First Responder Network Authority were also highlighted.

The event welcomed familiar faces like Renaud Mellies, Ari Toivonen, and others, contributing to the vibrant atmosphere. BAPCO Chair, Chris Lucas, added an element of interactivity by correctly predicting the first questioner. Attendees refrained from posing technical questions, keeping John and Cate on their toes during the session.

Senior Industry analyst Ken Rehbehn brought attention to teh recent AT&T FirstNet, Built with AT&T outage, sparking anticipation for further discussions at IWCE 2024 in two weeks time. Gratitude was extended to John Black and Cate Walton for their insightful update and engaging offline conversations during the Coventry event.

Reflecting on the decade-long challenge of ESN/ESMCP, the hope was expressed for clarity on its delivery by the incoming UK Government by the same time next year.

The diverse conference program offered engaging options, including tech tours and a networking lounge. Valuable market insights into tech challenges faced by the public safety communications sector were gained through encounters with both familiar and new faces.

Events like BAPCO are invaluable to Managed Service Providers (MSPs) and technology suppliers. They provide a platform to test assumptions about what's truly important to customers. For Cloud Gateway, engagement with those on the front line is critical to ensuring the relevance and impact of the solutions designed.

Special acknowledgments were made during the event, such as congratulating Georgie Green, ARP PMO Analyst, for receiving the Ian Thompson Bursary Award. Georgie's plans to attend Critical Communications World in Dubai later this year to enhance her technical knowledge were celebrated.

Sepura dedicated a moment to celebrate International Women's Day, recognizing and appreciating the contributions of women in their events. The commitment to diversity and inclusion was reiterated, acknowledging the importance of inspiring inclusion in the tech sector.

Motorola Solutions participated in an insightful session led by Ian Williams, exploring how AI can address challenges in policing.

Peter Jones ILG, showcased a new release. Notably, the introduction of the NEW Klick Fast MOLLE Dock by KlickFast products and the OW10HV land mobility terminal wa launched for the first time by the Excelerate Technology Group.

At BAPCO, Sepura PLC unveiled the SCL3 Hybrid Vehicle Device, emphasizing its potential as a tool to facilitate the transition to missioncritical broadband. The device's versatility, with optional TETRA and LTE modules, positions it as a potent tool linking to future MCX developments.

While the event buzzed with excitement, new innovations and new releases from various companies were relatively low. However, the event provided a platform for engaging discussions and valuable insights. A summary of notable interactions with specific companies follows:

Motorola Solutions: A Glimpse into Cutting-Edge Technology

Motorola Solutions took center stage at the BAPCO Annual Event 2024 by unveiling the highly anticipated TLK25 device. This innovative addition to their repertoire promises to redefine communication standards, aligning with the evolving needs of the industry. Beyond just unveiling new hardware, Motorola Solutions showcased their prowess in video solutions, unveiling the V500 Body-Worn Camera (BWC). The V500 BWC brings forth advanced features, highlighting Motorola Solutions' commitment to providing comprehensive solutions for public safety and critical communications.

Hytera Communications Europe: Collaborative Product Display

Hytera Communications Europe made an impact at the event by presenting an array of their existing products. Notably, the PT590 caught the attention of attendees, offering a unique perspective into Hytera's capabilities. The positive experience was amplified by the cooperative efforts of Andrej Dodic, who played a pivotal role in providing insights and facilitating interactions. This collaboration added an extra layer of engagement and made Hytera's stand a focal point for those exploring the latest advancements in communications technology.

Tait Communications: Quality Radios Amidst Minimalism

Despite a relatively sparse stand, Tait Communications managed to impress attendees with the display of high-quality radios. The emphasis on quality over quantity spoke volumes about Tait's commitment to delivering reliable and efficient communication solutions. Visitors to Tait's stand were treated to a focused showcase, demonstrating that Tait Communications places paramount importance on the excellence of their products, ensuring they meet the highest standards in critical communications.

Airbus Public Safety and Security: Solutions-Driven Interaction

While Airbus Public Safety and Security (yes this is the new name fcompany focused on critical communications)  did not unveil new devices, their focus on presenting updated solutions resonated with the attendees. The friendly and approachable staff played a crucial role in turning the booth into an interactive hub. Engaging discussions on the showcased solutions provided valuable insights into Airbus's commitment to evolving technologies. The absence of new devices was compensated by an enriching experience that emphasized the practical applications of their solutions in the ever-changing landscape of public safety and security.

Sepura: Contrasting Experiences with Innovation

Sepura's presence at the event drew mixed experiences. On one hand, the introduction of the SCL3 LTE device marked a notable release, indicating a forward-thinking approach to communication solutions, especially in consideration of the new ESN. At the show, Sepura succeeded in leaving a lasting impact with their innovative SCL3 LTE device.

Handsfree Group UK: Professionalism in Innovation

Handsfree Group UK emerged as a beacon of professionalism by showcasing new solutions with a level of sophistication that reflected their commitment to excellence. The professionalism extended beyond the product display, creating an environment conducive to meaningful interactions. The stand not only demonstrated the innovation within Handsfree Group UK but also communicated their dedication to providing cutting-edge solutions in the realm of critical communications.

RugGear: Minor Discrepancy Amidst Professionalism

RugGear's professional presentation was slightly tainted by a minor discrepancy noted in the labeling of the RG750. Nevertheless, the overall impression remained positive, emphasizing RugGear's commitment to presenting their products in a polished and engaging manner. The minor labeling issue did little to detract from the professional and informative nature of RugGear's showcase.

Sonic Communications (Int) Ltd: Consistency Amidst Stability

Sonic Communications (Int) Ltd maintained a consistent stance by not introducing new releases at the event. While the absence of new products might have been anticipated, the stability and reliability associated with Sonic Communications (Int) Ltd products were reaffirmed. The booth served as a testament to the enduring quality of their existing offerings, providing attendees with a reliable choice in the realm of critical communications.

Panorama Antennas: Quality Over Quantity

Panorama Antennas opted for a quality-focused approach by displaying their range of good-quality models without introducing new ones. The decision to focus on existing products underlines Panorama Antennas' commitment to delivering reliable and effective solutions. The showcase highlighted that, sometimes, maintaining excellence in proven models can be as impactful as introducing new innovations.

Cradlepoint, part of Ericsson: Smart Devices and Knowledgeable Staff

Cradlepoint, part of Ericsson, chose not to unveil new releases but succeeded in showcasing smart devices with a knowledgeable staff. The emphasis on intelligence and the expertise of the staff highlighted the depth of understanding within Cradlepoint, creating an informative and engaging environment for attendees. This approach reinforced the notion that sometimes, the smart utilization of existing technologies can be just as impactful as introducing new devices.

BelFone Communications: Openness to Discussions

BelFone Communications did not display new releases, but the staff exhibited openness to discussions regarding their products. The willingness to engage in meaningful conversations with attendees created an environment conducive to learning and exploration. The open approach showcased BelFone Communications' commitment to understanding the needs of their audience and fostering connections within the critical communications community.

Leonardo: Quality Discussions on Gateway Solutions

Leonardo made its mark by engaging in quality discussions about their gateway solutions. The emphasis on meaningful conversations demonstrated their commitment to addressing the specific needs and queries of attendees. The focus on gateway solutions indicated Leonardo's strategic approach to providing comprehensive and tailored offerings in the critical communications sector.

3tc Software Ltd.: Innovative Dispatch Solutions

3tc Software Ltd. captured attention by presenting innovative dispatch solutions, including their latest update. The inclusion of the latest update showcased their commitment to continuous improvement and staying at the forefront of technological advancements. The interesting dispatch solutions provided attendees with a glimpse into the evolving landscape of critical communications technology.

Frequentis: Versatile Control Room Solutions

Frequentis left a lasting impression by displaying multiple control room solutions. The versatility showcased in their solutions hinted at the adaptability of Frequentis to meet the diverse needs of critical communications. Friendly staff further enhanced the overall experience, creating an interactive space where attendees could explore and understand the capabilities of Frequentis in the context of control room solutions.

In conclusion, the BAPCO Annual Event 2024 served as a dynamic platform for companies to showcase their innovations and engage with industry professionals. Each participant, with its unique approach, contributed to the diverse landscape of critical communications technology, emphasizing the ongoing evolution and adaptation within the industry. As the event concluded, attendees departed with a wealth of insights and a sense of the current state and future trajectory of critical communications technology.

Source: Input by Peter Clemons (Global Head, Critical Communications, ENENSYS Technologies) & Isidor Știrbu (Senior Advisor | Integration Support Engineer PoC | DMR | TETRA | Mission Critical Push to Talk (MCPTT). Curated and edited by Gert Jan Wolf (Founder at The Critical Communications Review & Community)

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