An Garda Síochána launches second phase of Proof of Concept for Body Worn Cameras
Author : MCXTEND    Time : 2024-08-06    Source :

An Garda Síochána has commenced the second phase of its ‘Proof of Concept’ for Body Worn Cameras as well as the supporting Digital Evidence Management System (DEMS).

The Garda Commissioner, Drew Harris was joined at Henry Street Garda Station in Limerick City by the Minister for Justice, Helen McEntee T.D to launch the second phase of a proof of concept for body worn cameras.

Over 100 Gardaí are fully trained for the second phase of the Proof of Concept in Limerick involving the use of body worn cameras in Henry Street Garda Station.

Reveal Body Worn Cameras, differ to those being used in the proof of concept stations in Dublin, in that they have a screen on the face of them which shows what is being captured when recording is activated.

These Reveal cameras have a 120-degree field of vision; have touch screen capabilities; and have 16 hours of battery life which provides the capability to record up to 12 hours of footage.

Commissioner Drew Harris said, "From today Gardaí in Henry Street Garda Station in Limerick will begin using Body Worn Cameras, with a further station in Waterford city to come on stream next month.

"The ability of An Garda Síochána to securely acquire and process digital evidence is a key feature of modern policing. And the use of Body Worn Cameras, supported by the underlying legislation, technology and training acts as an important evidentiary tool.

"We know that other jurisdictions have experienced significant benefits in respect of member safety and public safety since the introduction of Body Worn Cameras. And, we are already seeing their effectiveness in the three proof of concept stations in Dublin North Central and Dublin South Central where they have been in use for the past eight weeks now.  Personnel have noted situations which might ordinarily escalate, have actually de-escalated due to the presence of a Garda with a body worn camera.

"Throughout this proof of concept phase we will be learning all the time from the experience of those using these cameras on the ground. The feedback we receive will then give us the ability to refine our systems and processes to ensure we are making the best use of this piece of equipment,” he said.


As recommended in the Commission on the Future of Policing in Ireland report, "Modern policing organisations around the world have found that body cameras can help to improve front line capability with the accurate recording of incidents, expedite analysis, enhance situational awareness, and sometimes protect police from harm.”

The Garda Síochána (Recording Devices) Act 2023 was signed into law in December 2023.

The Garda Síochána (Recording Devices) Act 2023 (Code of Practice) Order 2024 was signed by the Minister for Justice in May 2024. An Garda Síochána is working to introduce Body Worn Cameras for members in accordance with this Code of Practice.

An Garda Síochána is undertaking three phased introductions as part of its proof of concepts stage. Each phase involves the use of a range of Body Worn Cameras by frontline Gardaí in specific locations nationwide. The three Proof of Concept phases will test the technical aspects of each camera, how they will be used operationally in addition to the training, Code of Practice and governance of their use.

Phase one of these three phased introductions commenced in Dublin on the 31st of May 2024. There are nearly 400 Garda members trained in the use of BWCs in the Dublin Proof of Concept stations.  200 BWCs are available for use at Pearse Street, Kevin Street and Store Street Garda Stations.

An Garda Síochána continues to engage with stakeholders and the communities it serves as it develops its Codes of Practice and in advance of the full deployment of Body Worn Cameras.

The pilot roll-out of Body Worn Cameras will continue with a further proof of concept phase in Waterford in early September.

When complete, the three-phased pilot will inform the introduction of body worn cameras in Garda Stations nationwide.

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