Airbus Equips Bavarian Rescue Dog Team With Agnet®
Author : MCXTEND    Time : 2024-02-29    Source :

The Agnet broadband critical communication solution from Airbus has been chosen to equip the Bavarian rescue dog team (BRH) as part of a project funded by the German government. Thanks to the smartphone app, BRH teams can communicate super-quickly via the 5G standard, even in remote and rural areas, coordinate their missions, and be on-site in time to save lives. 


According to the Bundesministerium für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft, our partner SELECTRIC was awarded the contract to improve the BRH's communication equipment with Airbus's Agnet solution for several reasons. Firstly, Agnet allows users to share and simultaneously use voice, data, live video and geolocation services with the press of a button. Secondly, the number of users can be easily expanded. And thirdly, it guarantees a high level of security.  Agnet provides so many benefits for improving critical communications that the BRH has increased the number of licences from 80 to 200. 

The BRH emergency services access Agnet via a smartphone app and can therefore use digital group radio with unlimited range. Agnet makes it possible to use Push-To-Talk, individual and group calls, as well as emergency calls with location transmission and location tracking. BRH teams can also share text, image and video messages reliably, even in remote areas.

Equipping the BRH with Agnet fits into the DGDS (Digitaler Gruppenfunk mit drohnenbasierter Schließung von Funklöchern) project which brings together other partners:

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