ACMOSS and Airbus Deployed the Future Radio Networks Terminals During the 2023 French National Firefighters Conference in Toulouse
Author : MCXTEND    Time : 2023-10-18    Source :

The Agency for Operational Security and Rescue Mobile Communications (ACMOSS) and Airbus, in partnership with the Midi Pyrénées Organisation Committee (Comipy), successfully deployed 140 terminals and 3 dispatch workstations of the “Réseau Radio du Futur” (RRF – Future Radio Networks) as part of a pilot exercise during the 2023 French national firefighters conference (CNSPF) held in Toulouse from 4 to 8 October.

In preparation for this highly innovative provisional deployment, representatives from the Local firefighting and rescue services (SDIS) of the eight administrative zones (“départements”) covered by the Organisation Committee received prior training in the SYRIUS critical communications solution developed by Airbus SLC, and its associated accessories, in operational conditions. As a result, all teams from the Toulouse Exhibition and Convention Centre (MEETT), along with the SDIS 31 rescue services, had the opportunity to experience a unique, innovative, priority-access, secure, high-speed communications service with a high level of resilience.  

This real-life exercise confirmed the performance and robustness of the equipment, leaving no doubt as to its operational impact for firefighters. Users were able to test the many features offered by the service and try out the priority-access call system, the instant messaging app, the Push-To-Talk function, and the video and location sharing features, which proved particularly helpful in the operational conditions of the conference. The low-speed gateway proved how effective it was for coordinating voluntary participants equipped with “low-speed” terminals. 

Reaction to the initiative was extremely positive, for this large-scale event bringing together 550 exhibitors, 3,300 conference delegates, 1,500 volunteers and over 100,000 visitors. 

“The Réseau Radio du Futur programme is a major strategic programme for the French Ministry of the Interior, dedicated to all security and rescue stakeholders. Through this successful experimental deployment, we provided firefighters with robust operational connectivity suitable for a full range of missions,” declared the Prefect, Guillaume Lambert, Director of the Agency for Operational Security and Rescue Mobile Communications (ACMOSS). 

“This experimental deployment of the RRF terminals is a huge leap forward for the project in terms of operational implementation. All the region’s civil security forces were able to see for themselves the benefits and in-the-field innovations of RRF, geared towards securing their critical communications in the context of this highly emblematic conference,” underscored Eric Davalo, European Director, Airbus Secure Land Communications.

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